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12 April 09 - 12:49Also...

I have a birthday in two days, on the 14th of April; I can't wait to see what I get on that day. I think I'll try to have at least one drabble/cookie done by that day too, to post on the blog. *shrugs* Getting all the story written... it's like trying to pull teeth from a p*ssed off tiger sometimes. (Actually... most of the time.) But I'm sure it'll get done... eventually. But I'm sure that I can get some progress done by my birthday, and it will be put here. In all it's ugly rough draft form.
Eventually I'll get all of Phantoms done and posted at the site.

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12 April 09 - 11:59Wow.

And... the site + blog still exists, well over a year since I last updated the blog! Wow, I would have thought that these things would have been dead by now or something. Well, since they aren't, I might as well use them for something, eh? We'll see what I can scrounge up then.
I might have something to actually post in a week or two... I think Phantoms might be coming along. Who knows, maybe I can get the rough draft done by May, and some snippets posted in this blog before the first chapters are posted on the site. We'll see though. I'm a sloooow writer. ;-) Course, I could - maybe - have some short stories or drabbles to post in the next week or two. Again we'll have to see won't we?

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